Monday, November 02, 2009

The Lady And The Reaper

It's finally on the web!! The website of the shortfilm in wich I've been working over the last months is finally released! You can take a look at the website, and see a sneak peek of the shortfilm, on the teaser section.

Enjoy it ;)

The Lady And The Reaper


Finalmente ha salido!!!! La página web del corto en el que estube trabajando durante los últimos meses por fin ha sido subida!.
Puedes ver un pequeño avance del corto en la seccion "Teaser"

Disfrutadlo ;)

The Lady And The Reaper


Jaime said...

¡¡No me lo puedo creer!! ¡Una actualización! ¿Habrá otra este año? :P

Alfo_O said...

Hi Ernesto, from the Teaser trailer, seems a very nice short! cant wait to see the full one, well done!:)

Rubber Onion said...

loved the teaser! now i want to see the full short! great work ernesto