Sunday, September 30, 2007


I finally can put online some of the works I did through the last year.

At Keytoon, we made a shortfilm of the famous Veggietales series. This shortfilm is a part of the DVD called "God Made You Special".

It was an interesting project that I think the final product has some really good points, like the illumination, or why not, the animation :P

I put in here some of the shots I did ;)




Alfo_O said...

Hooo nooooooooooo is baaaaaaaaaaaaackkkkk.....BOOBBBBBB BOOOOOOBB THE TOMATOO HAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG....HE isssss speciaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll..:S!!!!!!
ehhe , how is going man :P !

JoR said...

Dios mio bob con sus cebollinos amigos atacan masivamente tu blog !!!
Que buen trbajo hiciste ahi, mola verlo aqui!

PD: Pedazo Update te has montado en un trsiqui , no?

Toni Reyna said...

que guapas estan estas animaciones!!!! a ver si colgamos mas cositas! un saludo

Toni Reyna said...

que caña de animaciones!!!!

queremos ver mas!!!!

un saludo tio.